Facebook Live Streaming

Facebook’s New Tips and Best Practices For Live Streaming

If you or your brand want to start broadcasting, here are new tips, just in!

  1. Give fans a heads up before you broadcast. This not only adds suspense, but can help viewers plan to make sure they won’t miss out.
  2. Before going live, check your Internet connection. This is highly important. If you are not hooked up to a WiFi connection, try a 4G connection. If your connection is poor, the ‘Go Live’ button will appeared grayed out.
  3. Write a clear and attention-grabbing description. Not only will your caption attract people to join, but it also provides context for what you’re doing, where you are, or which topics you’ll discuss.
  4. Ask viewers to subscribe. Remind those tuned in to help increase your number of subscribers by clicking the Follow button so they will know when you broadcast next.
  5. Engage with your viewers. Try to address each of your viewers’ questions or comments individually to make them feel part of a conversation.
  6. The longer the broadcast, the better. This is simply because it gives more of a chance for current users to share your content. The minimum recommendation by Facebook is a 10 minute broadcast, though you can be live up to 90 minutes per stream.
  7. Let your viewers know when you’re done. Try ending the video with a simple line, wave goodbye, or mention the next time you plan to go live again in the future. Try setting a consistent schedule of livestreaming the same time and day each week to build anticipation.
  8. Try to stream as frequently as possible. Keep your viewers engaged by varying your streams, and consider different types of videos you can do or topics to discuss.

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